iqoption DEPOSIT
ID da campanha: 9067
Meta Pagamento Processando PostClick Taxa Aceitação
Deposit Tier 1
Deposit of the first deposit minimum deposit 10$ Tier 1 Hong Kong Saudi Arabia Singapore China Switzerland
Moeda: USD
ID da meta: 13084 (Ativo)
100 $ Máximo 33 dias
30 dias 100%
Deposit Tier 2
Deposit of the first deposit minimum deposit 10$ Tier 2 Barbados Chile El Salvador Kuwait Malaysia New Zealand Pakistan Paraguay Philippines Qatar South Korea Taiwan Thailand United Arab Emirates
Moeda: USD
ID da meta: 13090 (Ativo)
76 $ Máximo 33 dias
30 dias 100%
Deposit Tier 3
Deposit of the first deposit minimum deposit 10$ Tier 3 Argentina Bahamas Bahrain Brazil Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Egypt Haiti India Indonesia Jamaica Jordan Laos Lebanon Macedonia Maldives Mauritius Mexico Montenegro Mozambique Myanmar Netherlands Antilles Oman Panama Peru Reunion Island South Africa Sri Lanka Tanzania Trinidad and Tobago Venezuela Vietnam Afghanistan Albania Angola Aruba Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bermuda Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegowina Botswana Cameroon Cayman islands Colombia Costa Rica Andorra Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Ghana Gibraltar Guam Guatemala Honduras Iraq Martinique Monaco Morocco Namibia Nepal New Caledonia Nigeria Papua New Guinea Rwanda Suriname Swaziland Uganda Virgin Islands UK Algeria American Samoa Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Armenia Belarus Belize Benin Burkina Faso Cape Verde Chad Cook Islands Djibouti Ethiopia Faroe islands Fiji French Guiana French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Grenada Guadeloupe Guinea Guyana Ivory Coast Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Lesotho Liberia Libya Macau Madagascar Mali Mauritania Moldova Mongolia Nicaragua Niger Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia Tajikistan Togo Tonga Islands Tunisia Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Ukraine Uzbekistan Virgin Islands US Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Uruguay
Moeda: USD
ID da meta: 13173 (Ativo)
53 $ Máximo 33 dias
30 dias 100%
White Whale(Белый кит)
For the user who made a deposit of $ 150 - $ 299 : The trader must trade the amount of the deposit and / or his trading turnover should exceed $ 1500
Moeda: USD
ID da meta: 15142 (Ativo)
300 $ Máximo 15 dias
30 dias 100%
Grey Whale(Серый кит)
For the user who made a deposit of $ 300 - $ 499 : The trader must trade the amount of the deposit and / or his trading turnover should exceed $ 4500
Moeda: USD
ID da meta: 15144 (Ativo)
600 $ Máximo 15 dias
30 dias Não há dados
Blue Whale (Синий кит)
For the user who made a deposit of $ 500 + The trader must trade the amount of the deposit and / or its trade turnover should exceed $ 7500
Moeda: USD
ID da meta: 15145 (Ativo)
800 $ Máximo 15 dias
30 dias 100%

Segmentação geográfica:

Todos os países exceto: Austrália, Áustria, Ilhas Aland, Ilhas Virgens americanas, Antártica, Bulgária, Burundi, Butano, Vanuatu, VATICANO, Hungria, Ilhas menores distantes (EUA), Timor-Leste, Guiné-Bissau, Guernsey, Gronelândia, Democrática do Congo, Dinamarca, Jersey, Saara Ocidental, Israel, Irã, Irlanda, Islândia, RPDC, Chipre, Kiribati, Ilhas Cocos, Comores, Cuba, Letônia, Lituânia, Liechtenstein, Luxemburgo, Mayotte, Malawi, Malta, Ilhas Marshall, Micronésia, Montserrat, Nauru, Países Baixos, Niue, Noruega, Ilha Bouvet, Ilha de Man, Ilha Norfolk, Ilha Christmas, Ilha Pitcairn, Santa Helena, ascensão e Tristão da Cunha, Palau, Palestina, Polônia, Portugal, Porto-Rico, República do Congo, Reunião, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé e Príncipe, Ilhas Marianas do Norte, St Barthelemy, St. Maarten, Saint Pierre e Miquelon, Saint Vincent e as Granadinas, St. Maarten, Síria, Eslováquia, Eslovênia, Ilhas Salomão, Sudão, Tokelau, Tuvalu, Turquia, Ilhas Wallis e Futuna, Uruguai, Finlândia, Ilhas de Falkland, Franceses do Sul e Antártica, Ouvi e McDonald ' s, Croácia, CARRO, República Tcheca, Suécia, Guiné Equatorial, Eritreia, Estônia, Geórgia do Sul e Ilhas Sandwich do Sul, Japão, Bélgica, Reino Unido, Alemanha, Grécia, Espanha, Itália, Canadá, Rússia, Romênia, EUA, França


IQ Option is №1 Regulated Binary Broker.
Best self-developed platform in the industry and highest level of customer service provides highest CR to FTD.
No pre-sale calls!
Our Product presentation:
Converts upon valid FTD from an active trader*. Min. deposit 10$!
*Active trader should show us relevant trading activity on the platform and should not have an account with IQ Option before.
Payout depends on the geo, irrespective to the sum of the deposit:
Tier 1 - $100
Tier 2 - $76
Tier 3 - $53
Tier 4 - $23
Tier 5 - $13
Rates are negotiable after a short test period. 
Multi-language Landing pages localized in 23 languages.
Platform localized in 14 languages.
3 click conversion flow: Registration (SOI) - Registration (ROI) - Deposit
The offer is converting best with Men aged 25 - 65, with all level of experience. 
Iq Option provides best video tutorials and free unlimited demo account.
Geo Restrictions: RU, US, CA, AU, BE, FR, JP, IL, IR, SY, SD
Promotion Restrictions:
- Make Money / Roulette System Traffic
- Fortune promise/ misleading
- Search traffic Brand bidding
- PopUp/ Click under (not recommended due to low efficiency)
- Doorway pages
- Incentive Traffic
- Coregistrations
- Virus Traffic
Terms of payment of the purpose: Depositing and closing by the trader min 3 deals.
The scoring of points differs by purpose:
Tier 1 - 78 points
Tier 2 - 60 points
Tier 3 - 42 points
White Whale - 300 points
Gray Whale - 480 points
Blue Whale - 700 points
========================= New promotion from advertiser: ==================== ========
You can receive a payment for the so-called "Whales" if the trader's deposit exceeds $ 150 by the end of the 7th day (from the moment of FTD), your catch will be:
White Whale (CPA $ 300) per user who made a deposit of $ 150 - $ 299
Gray Whale (CPA $ 600) per user who made a deposit of $ 300 - $ 499
Blue Whale (CPA $ 800) per user who made a deposit of $ 500 +
We set a 7-day waiting period (14 days in total) so that the user had more time to fulfill the following conditions:
White whale (CPA $ 300): a trader must trade the amount of the deposit and / or its trade turnover should exceed $ 1500
Gray whale (CPA $ 600): a trader must trade the amount of the deposit and / or its trade turnover should exceed $ 4500
Blue whale (CPA $ 800): a trader must trade the amount of the deposit and / or its trade turnover should exceed $ 7500
The trader must be active and unique (ie not be previously registered on the platform)

Landings (1):

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Condições adicionais:

You must coordinate your own creatives with your personal manager. Restrictions on trader's age 18+