Lineage 2
ID da campanha: 178
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First game login
Moeda: RUR
ID da meta: 180 (Ativo)
96 p Máximo 17 dias
30 dias 100%

Segmentação geográfica:

Azerbaijão, Armênia, Bielorrússia, Cazaquistão, Quirguistão, Moldávia, Rússia, Tajiquistão, Turcomenistão, Uzbequistão, Ucrânia


Fantasy online game Lineage 2 - a legendary MMORPG with a large-scale battles and dueling fights.

Sharp balance classes, fast pumping and maximum bonus opportunities.

What's new in the game:

  • 2 new races were added to 5 existing: Kamael possesses dark magic and Artei is endowed with the power of wind. Upon reaching level 85 each of the 37 classes is transformed into one of the 8 balanced archetypes.
  • The updated version you will easily get to the most interesting parts! Restore your experience even  when offline and reach higher levels faster.
  • Dwarves will have to move ?? from now craft items are available for all races.
  • Ambitious clans ready to go ahead to prove their power  not only can participate in clan wars but also in large-scale cross-server siege. Winners receive glory, honor and weighty bonuses.

Subscribe and earn!

Attention! Every Tuesday from 10 to 13 to Mosk. Time passes prevention. It is best to limit the traffic to these hours.

Landings (4):

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